Relative List

The Relative List view will nearly always be blank when you enter it. 

Select either a DNA Source or a Segment Group to display and wait for it to populate with data.

You may choose to select a Display Side, a Relative Status, and/or set Minimum and Maximum Cms for display either before or after populating the display. If done beforehand, this may help speed up the display process.

Note: "Groups" are assigned to and based on DNA segments, and also appear in Ahnentafel and Ancestor listings.

"Family Groups" are created by you and can be used to group relatives together for any reason of your choosing.

The two can use the same names, or not, and operate independently of each other.

Top Section

Either before or after the view has been populated by using the “Select Source” drop down menu, the resulting list can be filtered through the use of the "Display Side", "Relative Status" and Minimum and Maximum Sliders. 

These can be used independently of each other, or at the same time. More information about the options under “Select Status” can be found in Status section of Relative Notes.

The "Archived" source is present as a courtesy to those who have converted GMP data from sources that are not supported by GDAT.

Note the "Name Me" source present in the list shown - this is a custom created source, and these show here too.

The “Select Group” drop down menu operates independently of the Source, due to group names being able to be applied to multiple people across multiple sources, as well as across multiple profiles if applicable.

It is possible to filter the resulting list by use of either the "Display Side" or the "Relative Status", but not the Min/Max sliders.

Group names visible in this list are populated based on the group names you have applied to matches in your database. Only relatives with Segment Data are shown, meaning if a group name is associated only with non-segment data relatives, those group names will not appear in this list.

The underlining of Relative Names displayed, indicates an Ahnentafel is present in that relative’s record.

At the top centre of the Relative list, are three additional filters.

Some of the columns of data on the Relative List view can be edited by the user. The displayed data can be sorted on any column by clicking on the column header. This can be quite helpful when viewing a large amount of data.

Colour Coding

Names have been color coded according to the source of the data. These colours can be changed, see Source Settings for more information.

The background colours also have meaning.

Right Click Menu

Right clicking (Control-Click on Mac) in the results page brings up a menu listing with three fixed options and six sub-menus. The fixed options are:

Note: If you have done a Search on the F8 Relative's List page, and the "Current Profile Only" box was not ticked for that search, then your right click menu on the resulting display, will be the single menu item of "Open the Relative's Page". This also applies even if you only have one profile in your database.

Display sub-menu

Analysis Tools sub-menu

(*) See Compare Ahnentafel Details for more information on these three comparison features.

Mark Side/Group sub-menu

Merge Relatives sub-menu

Modify Relative Data sub-menu

Delete Relatives sub-menu